1:18 AM
Posted by
Can any one give me the Crack.exe file of FIFA 08 ? - crack.exe the sims2 university free dowloads
not my type, a type of Windows error fifa 08 anyone plz me the crack from the weight of files quickly and give me the link or any other form of downloading from elsewhere
11:09 PM
Posted by
How long does the swelling last after maxillo-facial plates removal? - facial swelling more condition_symptoms
I had a jaw surgery in both the upper and lower jaw and ends with 4 plates of the bones of the face - 2 top and 2 on the underside. A top concern to me and seems like a screw in one of them broke up and give me great pain. My doctor advised me to remove an option (in fact, is the rule in a place outside the United States) and I decide to do so. Can someone tell me, are how long the swelling after the procedure? The doctor told me a week, but I'm skeptical, because for the first operation was taken told me 2 weeks, and large swelling in fact, more than a month. "I know that plaque removal is not as seriously as a method of the first operation, but still significant facial trauma. I am also curious to know if the facial nerves of the jaw are affected in the same way afterthe first procedure. Thanks for the help.
11:44 PM
Posted by
What's White Guys Idea Of HOT ASIAN (Pics)? - asian guys with big noses
There are many fashionable boys fantasize about the white doll "Little exotic Asia.
But what is white, the idea of "white" good Asian "?
The typical large watch with wide eyes and a small nose?
Like this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/25494861 @ N05/2414992291 /
http://www.flickr.com/photos/25494861 @ N05/2402195043 /
Or more "ethetic", "Mulan ISH face with small slanted eyes, etc.?
http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://hotandnerdy.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/hn-lucy-liu-walker-1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://hotandnerdy.wordpress. com/2007/10/02/lucy-liu-is-a-scotch-girl / & h = 734 & w = 500 & sz = 42 & hl = en & SIG2 = 8 & start = mSKblN4eTzcSwNn3eyNp3A & um = 1 & usg __Jcb7lWKTXiWTvl3GXAMrKivuEhs = = = & tbnid kIW9MTPynGKDJM: & tbnh = 141 & tbnw = 96 & ei = Hfj5SKrROIyGsAPX4OyiDQ & prev = / images% 3Fq%% 3Dlucy 2Bliu% 26um% 3D1% 26hl% 3Den% 26client% 3Dopera% 26rls% 3Den% 26sa% 3DG
Can you give me specific facial or description to find us?
I am in Asia, and just curious:)
12:16 AM
Posted by
Why does popcorn stick to your toungh? - tough popcorn
Why does popcorn stick to the hard drive?
12:55 AM
Posted by
How does moving my things to south korea done by the army? - moving to korea how to ship stuff
My boyfriend is in South Korea. I still prefer this year. it will be in South Korea for three years. must end his day he signed in South Korea.
- How to pay much money for the army to move my things?
- Which boat is for me or not give money to my friend, and we need to do a company located?
- Will pay for our things to go back to the United States after his mandate expires or is there something we have to pay?
Any information would be useful ... Thanks
1:34 AM
Posted by
How do I recode my Rover/Philips Car Stereo with my code I already have? - philips car 400codok
I bought a used Rover 214 cars this year and had to change the battery once you've done that, I realized that the car is no longer working as it was programmed .... I now have the software code necessary in order to have a friend ... But the manual is not in the car stereo, etc. .. So I have the codes, but you do not know how to give the drive to get the stereo to work again too?
Who knows how I can recode my HI-Fi with my code (s) I already have? (I do not ask "why" the code you already have, I know what I'm doing now with the codes, how the program will drive the car stereo) ... PS I do not have the manual / guide - which suggest, please look at this :-) What I can press buttons, whichs I had to follow the order of the code (s) on your hard drive?
2:07 AM
Posted by
Is there a game where you can make your self and then play as that person for FREE ONLINE? - make your person for free
Please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...
2:38 AM
Posted by
Any suggestions or tips for helping a baby with reflux be more comfortable? - reflux more condition_symptoms in babies
I am a new mom! Hurray! My daughter is 6 weeks and has reflux. I think we finally have a formula that personally for her (yes, before the attacks, I know that breastfeeding is best, and I have a month, but had a setback after another) but I'm still on find how my child more comfortable. I'm sure you're sitting in your arms while feeding and are around to stay for half an hour after eating (hug) of our time, but there is still more that can help? She is currently in the baby Zantac, but I really do not know what is being done. The only thing that seems to be an upset stomach at night, otherwise have, as they say, it's more a matter of dress than anything else. Thank you!
3:09 AM
Posted by
Egg free salmon patties? - salmon patties without eggs
I would like to make salmon burgers and cake for lunch. My child is allergic to eggs (which does not May). Has anyone a recipe without eggs, but could with a common ingredient in now have at home? (I have the egg substitute, P right now).
Thank you!
3:37 AM
Posted by
What is the next trick after the ollie and pop-shuv it on the tech deck? - what is the tech deck app on the i touch called
I already had the ollie down is not very high, but I occasionally have pop Shuv Shuv and I tryed to kick flip
But I could not really the stuff, you should be governed by the ollie and pop Shuv it? Submit a video of a ride if u can ...
4:10 AM
Posted by
How can I get two teenage girls to show me photos they took of me? - teenage girls showing their vajinas
The other day I was with a friend. Two girls, handcuffed me and terrible things done to my hair. Then they took pictures and laughed and laughed and would ruin my life. How do I get this show?
4:46 AM
Posted by
I'm looking for a comic i used to read but i can't remember them name or who published it? - belt stomach hair
It was a teenage vampire. It began immediately after he turned around and someone is standing behind him. The character was inconvenient for some muscles, like a Spiderman brief. He wore a raincoat and a belt in his stomach.He had dark hair and fair skin, naturally.
5:20 AM
Posted by
Sharp pain in right thigh (particularly when walking) and red rash on the thigh too what could it be? - pain in right thigh
Please help, pain in the right thigh, especially when the feet connect some kind of pain and I also have a large red rash thats all develoepd in one day. What could a list of possibilities. Thanks
5:25 AM
Posted by
Wha things do I need to buy to prepare for a puppy? How much average will it cost me yearly for shots & vet? - wha is cva
I am looking for a puppy peekapoo. I want one for $ 250 or less.
4:03 AM
Posted by
My Cat is vomiting white foam and has clear mucus coming out of her anus...? - white mucus cat anus
This morning, I noticed that my cat was 4 years old strange behavior ... She was very lethargic. Anyway, I went down and I realized that I was vomiting a little bit everywhere. I do not care too much, because they had done so before (every time he eats, what he does not). The fact is that persistent vomiting and therefore its lethargy. Tonight I went to bed and ... Well, as "squat" your company clear mucus from his anus.
It is technically an indoor cat, because usually work only on the farm for a few hours, but lately (this week) jump over the fence and stay longer.
I know I ought to him to the vet as soon as possible, but it is 12.30 clock'm here, so we have to wait until tomorrow.
Anyone who has ideas of what can be?
Indeed, it is sterilized.
12:38 PM
Posted by
PLEASE READ!! this makes no sense please someone give me their advice? - conception dec 31 2009 due date
I had sex on the 5th March and the man ejaculated in me ... then the only thing they had sex the next time was 5 April, and the man left. I had a vaginal ultrasound on the 24th May in the hospital and told me he was 9 weeks and 1 days, my deadline was 27 December, what exactly is the design of the 5th April when I had sex. Then I had a laparotomy in a doctor's office 3 weeks later and I was goin ultrasound of 12 weeks, but my doc office told me that the baby measured 13 weeks and 5 days now, I have a day of 'runs on 22 December. How to change the actions of one weeks in advance? 22. December is the design about 31 of March, but I had sex on the 5th March and 5 April .. So when do I think? Ultrasound could be out for a month? I had a small hemorrhage in March, but my periods are so light that I wouldnt say BeABLE whether this is the introduction of the time they had sex on the 5th March, or if it was my time. .. and if the disease begins in the morning b / ci started to get sick in late April ... designed so that would mean 5 or Mars 5th April?
I have alreadySon was born 34 weeks premature and weighing only 3 kg .. Just like mine, is the measure by ultrasound a week before I had sex, 5 April? i dont think id have a big baby? could help it b / ci had a vaginal ultrasound) in one place (hospital and had abdominal ultrasound in a doctor's office?
1:12 PM
Posted by
What types of foods make girls horny? - horny girls of vampirefreaks
The fact that I know ... As it would be nice to know what the girls hot.
1:48 PM
Posted by
Do i have a penile wart? - photos of warts being removed
one years had less than an hour, I learned that they have HPV. I had some anal warts (inside and out) back and were dealing with this from time to time ever since.
Two days ago I saw a small dot on the bottom of the well and panicked. Until now, warts that have been in my anus. I do not know whether it is a wart, but. I saw the pictures on the website of warts on the penis and the significance of sebaceous glands, and I think it was somebody. Definitely, we emphasized sebaceous my penis, but as I said, I can not tell what it is. I would not say the cauliflower, and when I hard / when the skin is stretched around them, the country is more visible when I am gentle / soft skin. It is certainly more "important" than other regions along the shaft, where my sebaceous glands in importance. My plan is to set a date. with my doctor to get to the bottom, but I'm looking for clarity, for the moment.
2:26 PM
Posted by
What costume can I put together for Mr Pinky from Hairspray? - pinky mr marcus
Hey, I'm in my school production of Hairspray and I'm playing Mr. Pink (clothing store type). I have some ideas for costumes, but you can give me more than a few? Thank you. :)
3:01 PM
Posted by
How to hide your status and mood on myspace? - hide your mood and status
First reading.
How do you see your status and mood on the Profile 2.0, where the hidden image? and according to your mood or your module is shown not only a similar situation in five years.
3:35 PM
Posted by
Can someone help me find help find public indoor basketball courts in the sacramento area? - public indoor basketball court
Any ideas on how to open gyms at schools or recreation centers or find somewhere in the house, where I and some friends can tire on a rainy day to do?
4:05 PM
Posted by
Does graphic card got anything to do with making a better more realistic creatures in blender? - blender which graphic card
has nothing to do with a computer graphics card a better chance of 3D models has to do in a blender? I have a laptop is a technology that does not have an Intel GMA X4500 card I (I know it's not for high-end gaming build applicable), but I can make a monster much like the map in the opening? Please help ... : (
4:17 PM
Posted by
Do all satellite navigation systems (sat-nav) require subscription? - satellite navigation subscription
In general, how much is the subscription? Thank you!
4:40 PM
Posted by
How to treat eyebrow burn caused by waxing while using Differin on face? - eyebrow waxing burn
I'm an idiot and forgot to mention, wax woman I temporarily used Differin cream to treat my acne. Even if I never get the cream on your forehead when you left for the hot wax and immediately saw that something was wrong. Fortunately, she decided to start the rest, but unfortunately, instead of a small area (felt my skin is too sensitive) selected on the basis of my brow wax. Now I have a red burning pain, swelling, but I really want to avoid burns, not only healing (of course), but also the formation of crusts, as it is a very sensitive part of my body. Suggestions on how the administration to minimize recovery time, it would be very emotional. So far I've tried to put lotion (before I realized all the lotions that contain alcohol) and I am now with 100% aloe vera gel, although it caused a slight tinge.
4:58 PM
Posted by
Does anyone know where i can find this game online? - boxxi game app
I play this game on Mega Touch Maxx, when my mother was a waitress in a bar some years ago. The play was called Boxxi. Buy doens't really sense my mega touch a house, and I wonder if and where I can play online?
2:12 PM
Posted by
What causes vomitting, nausea, abdominal bloating when it's not pregnancy or cancer? - abdominal cancer likelyhood
I had an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy excluded, CT scan of the abdomen / pelvis ultrasound (ovarian cancer and pregnancy), not knowing MRI of the brain, inner ear and the assessment of my doctors, what's wrong w / me. I am all day with nausea and vomiting almost daily. I have a headache and dizziness have the opportunity. I am young and w / the exception of the last 6 months, always been healthy. Can anyone help?
2:47 PM
Posted by
Should I get the Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi MB Software Suite for my laptop? - x-fi mb active key
I think the purchase of a Dell laptop, especially the Dell Studio 15, and the lack of shopping facilities, an option to add the Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi software suite.
I just want to know if it's worth it just for 20 pounds. Is it to improve the viewing pleasure of watching DVDs and video files so significant?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
3:25 PM
Posted by
How do I get rid of the hives, swelling, redness after using Oil of Olay Definition? - how to get rid of swelling after lipo
Oil of Olay when I woke up, a swollen face, hives, rashes and burns. Hope no permanent damage. It has even worsened during the last two days. Of course it's a weekend and I can not see a doctor. You will see the doctor on Monday. No oil you use the definition of Olay!
4:00 PM
Posted by
Does any1 know if it is possible 2 get back my pstars account after i had them delete it? - what is pstars
I leaned Geting F *** ed in the river, so I complained a lot and I've deleted my account.
4:32 PM
Posted by
How expensive will it be to get a camera lens fixed? - ge e840s camram ;lens error how to fix
I have a GE E840S and my friend saw my photos and fell, while the goal was gone, and now my goal is not to go back to my camera and when I go into photo mode, which states that "the goal of defect" means a and off. I paid about $ 160 for the camera. I have no warranty on the camera. Is it more expensive to repair or get a new camera.
5:08 PM
Posted by
How does TV ratings work? - tv set ratings
Always curious. Everyone says, "Let the classification number 1" or "The show was canceled due to poor ratings." As TV stations, how many people watch your program?
Do you have a TV channel that the network, what do people hear? I know some electronics, from what I understand, if someone transmits radio waves, they do not know who is receiving the signal.
Is there a conspiracy going on here? Is domestic surveillance activities through our TVs? hahaha
The same goes for radio. How do you know who is listening?
5:43 PM
Posted by
Solar powered Electric water pump, float switch problems? - solar powered water pump
I have a solar system that works well, which fills a tank of 6000 liters. The tank has a float switch in it. A few days ago I realized the tank was empty, and can not pump. It appears that the fuses are good, and I pulled the float switch with a stick trying to get them. If anone has other ideas about how to solve this problem?
6:18 PM
Posted by
Baseball birthday party? - baseball theme cakes
tomorrow is my 15th My B-Day theme is the Yankees and baseball. I just got decorations and I make my cake and I'm Banner baseballish Navy (per volume) in thinking me and my friends a baseball field, if theres no play ... if that's what we do? What are some of the games they play baseball? Ideas for the fun of baseball? During the night the Angel Clock in the outfield.
Thank you very much!
6:53 PM
Posted by
If a guarantee against defects on a product has no mentioned time limit, how long must a company honor it? - exchange fax server
I bought a fax number of tapes replacement of approximately 2.5 years. A band in a box with two bands is defective. The tree is broken. The business is not the gearbox with a new one. The "Our Guarantee" in the field has no time limit. Even the box says 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. The seller must honor the warranty now?
11:00 AM
Posted by
Does any1 know where i can watch full episodes of heroes??? - watch full episodes of heroes
Hello everyone,
I really want to watch Heroes, but I got lucky with any website that offers free episodes!
Can someone help me !!!!!! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease
11:36 AM
Posted by
Why does Allah require Muslims to cut off the hands of theives? To force handless jobless people into welfare? - torture cut off dick video
Qur'an 5:38 "Yusufali: Cut As for the thief, male or female, out of the hands: a punishment in the form of, for example from Allah for their crime: and Allah is Mighty, Wise. Http: / / CWI. Usc . edu / dept/MSA/quran/005.q ...
Since witout hands are severely disabled and do not work blue-collar or white collar, Allah has made this law because it would force to assist the Government to greater prosperity and thosands to thosands of amputees, d "impotence, or Allah, knowing that wouldnt be availble most of these people wanted to slow, long torture, starvation.
12:14 PM
Posted by
If you were a smoker, will it increase your chances of a blood clot taking a contraceptive pill? - blood clots and the pill
Person smoked for half a year, but it's a year since I smoked.
The pill is known to cause blood clots
any help would be very grateful!
12:49 PM
Posted by
Do you pay attention to ingredients in cat food before buying? - fancy feast ingredients
OK, I ask this because I read some posts here. You people pay for the ingredients of cat food before buying or just bought, because they see on television and no attention to the ingredients.
These are the first 7 ingredients in a dry Purina Cat Chow:
Flour by-products of poultry, corn meal, ground wheat flour, corn gluten, soy
What poultry anyway through the products, and watch all the grains, why predators need grain.
Here are the first 7 ingredients in a brand of the party in the fantasy field: This is the Turkey and giblets Type
By-products from meat, meat broth, poultry, poultry products, natural and artificial flavors, guar gum
Yuk Yuk Yuk and meat products has not been identified.
Here food 2 much better:
Timberwolf Serengeti (sec)
Chicken meal, fresh chicken, chicken fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols), (low ash meal, salmon, potatoes, tuna in oil preserved with mixed tocopherols), powdered egg, chicken liver, dried
Now it seems better, then (see
1:21 PM
Posted by
Anyone know where the best place to buy moving supplies is? We are military and moving ourselves from AZ to SC - moving supplies
Only 10 days remain before we leave here.
1:54 PM
Posted by
Bunk bed top bunk side tables? - bunk bed table
Hi always in a bunk bed for my son, two daughters aged 11 and I wonder whether something like a table, bed, or a bag with side pockets or something please tell me when and where can I find a
2:23 PM
Posted by
Is Pinot noir supposed to be sweet? - best pinot noir
I just had a glass of pinot noir for the first time, not a very expensive bottle, the modest, but much to recommend. It seemed too sweet. I'm just me or are all good Pinots? I drank it at room temperature, which could make a difference?
2:58 PM
Posted by
How is Chromium used in industry or business? - chromium more drug_uses
Could you some examples, such as chromium is in the everyday life and work?
3:16 PM
Posted by
I just bought a Farouk Chi Ceramic Hairstyling Iron[1"]? - chi ceramic hairstyling iron
I bought this straightener online, I wondered if it's good? I bought on Amazon. The $ 44 was. every contribution is welcome.
3:48 PM
Posted by
Any tips to cure nappy rash? - nappy rash cure
My Princess 11 months old has a bad diaper rash, I use the cream bepatham help at this point to a different solution? We have a house for under layers of carpet is not an option.
4:17 PM
Posted by
Who wants to buy ninja turtles action figures? - ninja turtles figures
I have a Ninja Turtle action figures for sale!
They are Don Marcos and the third film.
Razza's second film.
Leo, Don and Raph's second film. These things are very hard to find!
April O'Neil from the line of "change"
Pizza Face.
Please contact me and I'll send photos.
4:34 PM
Posted by
Where can i find comprehensive information on the operations troubleshooting and repairing of power supply? - power supply repair
I repaired the power supply Turn if someone could tell me where you get general information about the operation, troubleshooting and repair of power supply, I was very pleased to learn that the body weight
4:59 PM
Posted by
Which bike is better for riding up/dn Mount Hamilton? Orbea Orca or Orbea Scape? - orbea bikes
You can do any setting. Simply put, the spots on the Scape. Matt Hamilton is a slight incline, only time. 19 miles, with a total of 17 kilometers high and 2 km in the middle. Personally I prefer the Orca. It is not said if you want to go forward or backward. The road was built before the end of 1800 for the horse and wagon. The scores are soft. The back is a good workout. Not built for horse and carriage.
5:26 PM
Posted by
Does anyone know of any outdoor adult rec soccer leagues in Minnesota? - minnesota soccer camps
Here is the website of the football MN
http://www.mnsoccer.org/players/play.php ...
You do not know where you are, but these people should be able to help you go a mile in your area.
5:59 PM
Posted by
Where can i Watch Biarritz vs USAP Perpignan live Streaming Rugby Top 14 HD Video Streaming on pc? - biarritz rugby shirt suppliers
Where can I USAP Perpignan vs Biarritz Rugby Top 14 live streaming HD video streaming on the PC?
Where to see USAP Perpignan vs Biarritz Rugby Top 14 live streaming HD video streaming on the PC?
Where can I USAP Perpignan vs Biarritz Rugby Live Streaming Top 14 games?
USAP Perpignan vs Biarritz Rugby Top 14 live streaming link
USAP Perpignan vs Biarritz Rugby Top 14 live streaming link
USAP Perpignan vs Biarritz Rugby Top 14 live streaming link
USAP Perpignan vs Biarritz Rugby Top 14 live streaming link
USAP Perpignan vs Biarritz Rugby Top 14 live streaming link
USAP Perpignan vs Biarritz Rugby Top 14 live streaming link
5:52 PM
Posted by
Where are some places in San Francisco to find fine or rare cigars? - fine cigars
I need to get some cigarettes for her birthday, and I want to get something rather rare and not cheap cigars. Suggestions? I need a place or find in the vicinity of San Francisco, and we need suggestions on brands of cigars.
6:26 PM
Posted by
Where can i find people that make iron ons with pictures i have ? - pictures of babies in the womb
I have some beautiful photos of babies in the womb, and I wanted to do Iron supplements for use on T-shirts, someone knows someone who makes them cheap? IAM 18 weeks pregnant, and I found some sites that sell beverages in the planning, but none of the payment other than credit cards.can someone help me
6:06 PM
Posted by
Bright, sexy, tropical dresses!? - tropical dresses
Does anyone know of stores with bright, colorful formal dresses? I want a sexy dress, so that only the screams of Miami. haha. I saw Cache, drinking, and Marciano. I bet D & G, the perfect dress, but I spend so much on a dress. haha. If anyone knows or stores the designer, I found that I like it. Thank you! =]
6:37 PM
Posted by
Is there a good bowling alley in the Dallas area that is BYOB? - bowling alleys in dallas
Somewhere between Irving and Plano would be better, but I'll take all the proposals in the vicinity of Dallas. Thank you!
7:10 PM
Posted by
My West Highland Terrier has a terrible skin complaint.? - skin complaints more condition_symptoms
My dog has terrible skin complaint.
Antibiotics significantly with a medicated shampoo bath supllied by my vet. Also welbeloved croquettes James. Shortly after treatment, the bubbles will be back .. against another big vet bill.
She is 11 years old and leaks in the bulbs, it has a bad oudour. Irritate the skin and spots, once rose has black spots.
I know that the problem can not be cured, but no one has anything to relieve the irritation, or perhaps found a few pieces of advice.
7:46 PM
Posted by
Can I use the RRSP Home Buyers Plan (HBP) if I intended to buy a home and then rent it out? - rrsp first home buyer
Hello, I currently live with my father .. I think you now my rent an apartment, and then for two years. My questions are, I can put the 25,000 in my RRSP used as payment? I note, is a condition for buying the place had to be occupied as principal residence.
Can I buy a house and rent it? How do you know who do not live there right?