Philips Car 400codok How Do I Recode My Rover/Philips Car Stereo With My Code I Already Have?
How do I recode my Rover/Philips Car Stereo with my code I already have? - philips car 400codok
I bought a used Rover 214 cars this year and had to change the battery once you've done that, I realized that the car is no longer working as it was programmed .... I now have the software code necessary in order to have a friend ... But the manual is not in the car stereo, etc. .. So I have the codes, but you do not know how to give the drive to get the stereo to work again too?
Who knows how I can recode my HI-Fi with my code (s) I already have? (I do not ask "why" the code you already have, I know what I'm doing now with the codes, how the program will drive the car stereo) ... PS I do not have the manual / guide - which suggest, please look at this :-) What I can press buttons, whichs I had to follow the order of the code (s) on your hard drive?
Land Rover AMR6284 code input
After the change of all
, The screen shows the Range Rover, followed by "CODE"
Is pre-set press [1] and the message "0"
Type in the first place with [\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ u0026lt,>] to select the digits
After entering the 4 Press [1]
If you now three times to remove the battery cable for 5 minutes and repeat.
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