Tv Set Ratings How Does TV Ratings Work?

How does TV ratings work? - tv set ratings


Always curious. Everyone says, "Let the classification number 1" or "The show was canceled due to poor ratings." As TV stations, how many people watch your program?

Do you have a TV channel that the network, what do people hear? I know some electronics, from what I understand, if someone transmits radio waves, they do not know who is receiving the signal.

Is there a conspiracy going on here? Is domestic surveillance activities through our TVs? hahaha

The same goes for radio. How do you know who is listening?


Grumpy Mac said...

For the television - it is a rating service named "Nelson". Select a few thousand homes each week, and that the family members of a diary of what they see and age of the audience for each show.

For radio - is an estimate of service called "Arbitron", which is something similar for the radio listeners.

The results are, as the spot price TV and radio. So many billions of dollars are at stake - the 2 companies should the TV companies and independent radio are separated.

There are also 4 times per year as "sweeps" ratings, with 1 weeks tended to increase the prices for the next 3 months. You suddenly realize the extra-long episodes, the increase of sex, movies, etc. on television for the first time this week.

fantasyfootball rules said...

Just as a Web site eBay. He has a box with a number that the number of visits to your site. You know how many people agree, no doubt noticed the amount of radio waves they receive. This may or not be correct, but the only reason to monitor their grades is Bost and shows to other networks to sell and help advertising contracts. Instead of the advertised product, showing a number of local Kansas or CSI?

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