What Is Pstars Does Any1 Know If It Is Possible 2 Get Back My Pstars Account After I Had Them Delete It?

Does any1 know if it is possible 2 get back my pstars account after i had them delete it? - what is pstars

I leaned Geting F *** ed in the river, so I complained a lot and I've deleted my account.


Doug said...

Yes, I'm sure he's gone. If you really want to return to the "River" stars, simply create a new account.

Hey said...

impossible. first click on something in the terms that says that back if you cancel your account, you can not. its finally over. sorry. Create a new!

Hey said...

impossible. first click on something in the terms that says that back if you cancel your account, you can not. its finally over. sorry. Create a new!

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